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Gene Border Paint

Klorkauçuk is a modified alkyd-based pavement and border paint suitable for outdoor conditions.

Surface Preparation and Application Method

The surfaces to be applied must be dry, oil-free and clean. Brush, roller and spray gun applications can be made. In roller and brush applications, 2 coats of paint are applied. Wait for 30 minutes between coats. The ambient and surface temperature must be above +5ºC during application.

Dilution / Mixing Ratio

For brush, roller and spray gun applications, dilute with 5-10% Cellulosic or Rapid Thinner.

Paintable (Coatable) Area

2-3 m²/ Kg in one coat.

Drying Time

Complete Drying Time: Min. 24 Hours. Waiting Time Between Coats: Min. 4 Hours.

Recommended Application Appliances

Satin roller and brush


20 kg

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